Sumatra Mandheling
Sumatra Mandheling Sumatra Mandheling

Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Cedar

Elevation: 1000 to 1600 meters

Varietals: Catimor, Caturra, Typica

Milling Process: Wet Hulled

Drying Process: Patio and solar dried machine

Harvest: June-December

This coffee comes from the North Sumatra province in Indonesia, one of the largest coffee-producing regions by volume on the island. Coffee here is usually wet-hulled, a processing method unique to Indonesia due to unpredictable rains during the drying season. Once pulped, coffee is dried to a certain moisture level before hulling. After that, the coffee is dried the rest of the way before being prepared for export. Small, family-owned farms are the norm here, though larger estates do exist.